included in your tuition:

• Over the course of 12 weeks, you'll gain access to practicum curriculum trainings, masterclasses, and Integration sessions.

•You'll get six weeks of pre-recorded teaching sessions, where you'll learn the science + spirituality behind practicing, teaching, and facilitating breathwork and meditation.

• Business Strategy Portal and Coaching Portal for implementation and integration of modalities

• Weekly Live Office Hours with Ava and team

• Access to 10+ Masterclasses (over 15 hours of bonus content) to deepen your knowledge of energy work, owning your voice as a leader, using meditation as a tool for intuitive development and more.

• Access to online portal with videos, MP3s, scripts and recordings to use as a student or facilitator.

• An invitation to the private Academy of Breath Facebook community.

• Certificate of completion (recognized by Yoga Alliance and Internation Breathwork Foundation)  to use breathwork and meditation as an extension of your healing services.

"The Academy of Breath™ is truly about total transformation! It is SO much more than a course on breathwork or meditation."



"I wish I could have joined AOB™ years ago!!! "


"My confidence in myself as a leader has soared since the start of this program ."